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P00: frame around

P01: olicognography

P02: addictions


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4 Sectors Health Mood Situations

Mood and Mental Sectors of Health


Area of Neurosis (sector IV)

Area of psychosis (sector III)

Neurological psychiatry (sector II)

Organic Clinics (sector I)

Nosologic frame (type of illness).

Practical approach: typify, specify and diagnose.

Sector of any psychological expression, reaction and felt self, coherent suffering instead of bizarreness. Often an overreaction to a clear and understandable depressive event (death, widowing)). Source of psychosomatic symptoms.

Set of many expressions of "heavy" psychiatry or psychosis. Sector with quite typical signs not always with an organic label but psychiatric. Complicated borderlines. Dysneurological constructions still needing to be identified?

High reasoning abilities are affected by known organic causes or common illnesses ± shortening vital functions. People can receive organic treatments (toxic correction, neurosurgery) or degenerative neural illnesses hard to solve (Alzheimer, etc.).

Combination of organic signs with pain related to organ, making conventional medicine have “simple” answers. Symptomatic treatment + etiopathogenic one are often effective. Consciousness is maintained (or coma clear)


In practice procedures inserts and integrates into social and near family environment

Depression and neurotic type defects. Psychological situations are lived as difficult but these have been seen as protecting against "fragmentation". Compensations can be unappropriated. Solutions use dialog and persuasion, can be helped by changes in social situation, selfanalysis or life's derivatives (leisure).

There is dissociation between mood and reasoning. Mental production can be prolific and poorer (hallucinations) bizarre or with strange ideas, more or less constructed (paranoia) or at the reverse inducing catatonic behavior. Dissociation is the feeling of loss of unique self, disturbing mood and ideas: “there are others in myself”

Psychiatric, pseudopsychiatric or confusion neurological expressions affecting consciousness of the patient. It is to ask for complementary exams able to put in evidence organic abnormalities, especially those affecting brain superior functions: toxic, metabolic, homeostatic, etc.

« Organic » reality is proved with clinical exams and how people feel (sick) at the source of different clinical pathways but probably in enough clear limits (to determine a profile?). Clinical pathways proceed from patient's understanding, relations and doubts about hes treatment.

Access to "reasoned care" Social health education and participative involvement

Persons have not always easy access to best options (anxiolytic, antidepressants, psychotherapy). These are not always the best solution and good ones are often in the social environment: way of life, redefining eventually priorities.

It is often good to have a social environment that, understand and helps when situation turns risky, while tolerating abnormality if the state is stable (madness) and controllable. Able also to reposition transient destabilization. Combining this with neuroleptic treatments.

Social environment should better avoid madness interpretation and understand superior mental illness. To bring the patient soon for appropriated treatment (often in intensive care units) as well as be able to detect an abnormal deterioration not just the regular course to mental aging.

Clinicians are often too easily relieved by finding an organic or well classified illness because of treatment they think to manage with robust protocols. They can neglect mental, sensibility or psychological situations.

Popular expression

Enhanced socially normative stereotypes.

Affected people are often complaining near their relations (or at the contrary avoiding confidence. Social environment can have good knowledge of person’s behavioral changes. Social environment may participate to the solutions with good results. Traditional social or family mechanisms or similar therapeutics involvement may be effective.

Madness is often well recognized as well as misunderstood. Mad people able to survive within regular society (maintaining their behavioral basic vital functions) can look like more resistant still they can be ill. Many modern (unhealthy?) or some traditional societies (anomic ones?) with moral rigidities or negative interpretations confuse and induce expression of madness.

More or less brutal change on a regular course after some event should inspire (trauma, new drug intake …). Knowledge of pathologies (diabetes, toxic exposure). Decompensation or organic pathologies. It is also to consider a sort of scale of conceptual capabilities like reversing pediatric cognitive development: it shows the maturity of higher conceptual functions.

Common « causes » of these pathologies it is to add that modern treatment are not perfectly fitting labels neither free from inconvenient The body is itself quite competent to react to conditions and this valid some traditional remedies especially when less expansive, not noxious or making the patient more healthy active.

Medicine resources philosophy. Clinical and psychological researches

Equilibrate economically to minimize counter

productive dogmatism

Modern psychological means can be expansive. Traditional means must not harm. Drugs are generally not enough but not to avoid systematically. It is to imagine that contexts and situations are often triggering and turning causes but biochemical mediators’ deficiencies can play: minimum levels are to be imagined and restored.

Neuroleptic drugs block delirium excesses, induce disconnection (between thoughts and behavior).Once relatively disconnected the person may be reconnected to better interpretative references and readapted to social life. If failure there are institutionalized (if surviving). Asylumcan also reflect the social management of madness.

Modern medicine has good tools of investigation it is to dispose of enough time for managing critical decompensation or mind to explore when necessary in more subtly progressive evolutions. Area being where « labels» discriminating madness and organic causes fuzzy, registers must care not to sanction too soon, and intent to integrate high cognitive functions and complex pathogenesis.

Modern medicine uses plenty of drugs quite efficient if well prescribed but often as specific and as local as expected (out of surgery). There are often clinical similarities under different label. It is not to underesteem natural defenses and helps or respect "primum non nocere”: drugs and treatments are all potentially noxious.

Places of use docs

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*cybernetics system *

*social costs?*
